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We broke into the Byzantine walls, the drawings of which were made by Mehmet the Conqueror, and during the conquest of Istanbul.
balls used in the trench
  Demirköy Fatih Foundry, where it was poured, arriving at Igneada
It is one of the places that must be visited by guests.

Demirköy district of Kırklareli province, which has been of great importance in terms of mining throughout history,
It continued this importance even after it came under Ottoman rule. Fatih Foundry,
Samakocuk Dökümhane-i Amiresi, with its name in Ottoman documents, is located in Demirköy District.
southeast of the county and approximately 3,500 meters from the town.
  in the past day
The facilities, which were built in a modern condition according to the conditions, unfortunately, their integrity and
It has not been able to preserve its originality. It was opened in Fatih Foundry in 2001 by Kırklareli Museum.
The general plan of the area as a result of the studies initiated with the rescue excavation and landscaping
revealed; It has been understood that a systematic study is required in the foundry and its surroundings. It
In this context, since 2003, "Demirköy Ottoman Period Foundry Research-Excavation"
With the efforts of the Kırklareli Museum and the Turkish History of Science, under the name of “restoration project”, various
A multi-disciplinary working team was formed, which included names from universities and institutions.
With the excavations carried out in 2003-2008, the living and living spaces in the upper sets of the Foundry
service units, adjacent structures on the perimeter walls and only the minaret before the excavations
The mosque that can be seen was unearthed.
  ongoing excavation and
After the restoration work was completed, this place was used as an open-air museum.
intended to be functional.


Excavations in Fatih Foundry, one of the leading Ottoman industrial facilities
When it is completed, the enterprise, where the Ottoman iron industry can be seen, is fully revealed.
can be removed. The 1950s of the Foundry, which was abandoned to its fate after the First World War.
Until years, most of the units were standing, the perimeter wall stood up to 4 meters.
known. Fatih Foundry, which is understood to have suffered serious damage in a short time,
It is an important part of the Ottoman iron industry that has survived to the present day, albeit at the foundation/wall level.
It is one of the facilities of the foundry, which is identified with the name of Demirköy, and it has a history in Ottoman history.
In order to restore its reputation, it is aimed to bring it to culture and tourism.
The historical complex, which is known to contain a total indoor area of ten thousand square meters,
It is assumed to be the most modern enterprise. The rich people in the region during the Fatih period and before
Considering the iron deposits, an iron casting center was established here. Fatih's,
It is known that he used the cannon roses that were poured here in the conquest of Istanbul. Conquest of Istanbul
It is a very important breaking point that changed the course of history. Besieged many times before
The fact that the Ottomans reached to produce weapons in the conquest of Istanbul is important for its own period.
The importance of war industry movements that can be counted is great. Here is the name of my district.
is coming. Demirköy Tophane-i Amiriye, which was cast with the most advanced technology of the period,
In the foundry, which is known as the enterprises, from the middle of the 15th century until the end of the 19th century.
uninterrupted production. In the foundry, two foundries, large and small
are available. In the small foundry 230 meters from the large foundry, two

There is a melting furnace. Foundry, which was understood to be a comprehensive business before, was built during the Second World War.
It is understood that it was revived in a fundamental way during the reign of Mahmud (1808-1839).












As a result of excavations and studies, the most important data about production is about water power.
In the foundry, the water wheel was used to obtain the high heat required in the melting furnaces.
It has been determined that bellows driven by Turning power of water powered impeller
It is estimated that it was transferred to the bellows by using a horizontal shaft. Thus;
In the northwest direction of the foundry, water is brought to the operation area through an open channel.
known. A stone vaulted water channel entering the courtyard under the western city walls of the Dökümhane.
are available. This main canal, which seems to have connections, passes under the courtyard to the south.
continues in the direction of the iron wheel as one of the main elements of the production area in the elevation.
reaches the wheel on which the iron wheel system sits.
Iron pieces belonging to the wheel system were unearthed. In the production area of the foundry area
as the Fatih Foundry, where the wheelhouse, blast furnaces, smelting pit and bellows are located.
In addition to the main foundry, which is named and where the excavations are carried out, there is a small
It has been revealed by studies that foundry samples are also included. of the main foundry
the furnaces of the small foundry located in the area approximately 250 meters to the west and
The findings provided important data about the furnace technology in Demirköy.
With qualified water power technology, the energy required to operate the mechanical parts here
found to be provided. These are the same as metallurgical technologies in 17th century Central Europe.
is at the level; The Ottoman administration's well-organized industrial iron production at this time.
demonstrated that he did.
As a result of the studies carried out in Fatih Foundry, the remains of the metal melting furnace were found in the environment.
slag heaps and charcoal deposits, as well as a historic mine gallery and ore extraction
The presence of pits was also determined. Archaeological excavation carried out so far in Demirköy
studies, environmental studies and analysis results, both in blast furnaces
It has been determined that both iron and soft iron / luppe are produced in Renn type furnaces.
In the excavations carried out in Fatih Foundry, cannonball molds have been found in different diameters.
cannonballs, various metal pieces, nails of different sizes, iron filings; Available in Foundry
blowers, slags, domestic production, which can provide information about the structure and working system of the iron furnace
and imported (British) fire brick samples, belonging to the wheel system, possibly used in production
iron parts, iron mains parts; In recent years, various agricultural and household appliances have been produced.
documents were found.
It contains the most important archaeological data that has survived in the field of blacksmithing within the borders of Turkey.
Fatih Foundry and its surroundings with the work done so far, foundry and
It has been determined that there are many furnace remains in the vicinity.
Cannonball and humbara for the Ottoman army in the Foundry from Ottoman period correspondence
is the production; Especially in the documents of the 18th and 19th centuries, the semi-finished products produced in the Foundry

manufactured iron products from Igneada Port in Istanbul, Tophane-i Amire and Tersane-i
It is understood that it was sent to Amire.













Serving as a state enterprise during the Ottoman Period, it had the most advanced technology of its period.
the existence of production since the beginning of the 16th century in the Fatih Foundry, which is understood to have owned it;
The Foundry was extensively restored during the 2nd Mahmut Period; Afterwards, some
Despite the destructions, with the repairs and arrangements, the business continued to the end of the 19th century and even to the 20th century.
It has been determined that it continued its activities until the beginning of the century. Foundry, a 1913
Contract awarded to a British company for 99 years, upon the outbreak of the First World War
It was dissolved in 1916.


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